Howdy! I’m Anaiis.

I don’t know why I opened up with “howdy” there….I swear I’ve never said that unironically before. But it felt right in the moment and I’M STICKING TO MY GUNS. Shoot, more cowboy speak. WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON?! Might as well bust out the horse and assless chaps at this point. If I win our duel, do I still get the job?

Clearly, never knowing when to let a joke die is my specialty. Lucky for you, so is copywriting.

Other fun facts about me? I’m glad you asked.

I grew up in a family cover band of the Smiths so I know what it’s like to peak at a young age. Because I was such an angsty teenager, I quit when I was 15 and my family still calls me Yoko to this day.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a mega nerd. As a kid, my parents even had to ground me from reading (it’s true, call my dad and ask him: 312-617-3562). Most days, you’ll still find my nose buried in a book at a local coffee shop. I’m on the hunt for the best hot chocolate in Chicago so if you have recommendations, my inbox is open. Serious inquiries only, I take my work very seriously.

Want to know more? Let’s chat!